Our latest Ofsted inspection took place on Wednesday 3rd May 2023. We received an outcome of ‘GOOD’.
The Key Inspection Judgements and What They Mean
Grade 1 - Outstanding:
- The quality of education is outstanding.
- All other judgements are likely to be outstanding. In exceptional circumstances, one of the judgements may be good, as long as there is convincing evidence that it is improving this area rapidly and securely towards outstanding.
- Safeguarding is effective.
- There are no breaches of EYFS requirements.
Grade 2 - Good:
- The quality of education is at least good.
- All other judgements are likely to be good or outstanding. In exceptional circumstances, one of the judgement areas may require improvement, as long as there is convincing evidence that it is improving it rapidly and securely towards good.
- Safeguarding is effective.
Grade 3 - Requires Improvement:
- Where one or more aspects of the provision’s work requires improvement, the overall effectiveness is likely to require improvement.
- Safeguarding is effective and any weaknesses are easy to rectify because they do not leave children at risk of harm.
- If there are any breaches of EYFS requirements, they do not have a significant impact on children’s safety, well-being or learning and development.
Grade 4 - Inadequate:
- Safeguarding is ineffective.
- Any one of the judgements is inadequate.
- Breaches of EYFS requirements have a significant impact on the safety and well-being and/or the learning and development of the children.
- It has been given 2 previous ‘requires improvement’ judgements and it is still not good.
Please see below some key findings from our recent inspection:
- Children are happy and confident in this nurturing playgroup. Staff support children to feel welcome and secure.
- Children explore a wide variety of activities that enable them to make good progress in their learning and development.
- Staff are confident in the curriculum, and use their observations of children, and knowledge of their interests to adapt activities to each child
- Managers have created a strong team of staff, and staff are confident in their roles and enjoy coming to work. Staff feel well supported and have lots of opportunities to continue their professional development.
- Managers have ensured there is a strong focus on language and communication in the curriculum, and children make good progress in this aspect of their learning. Children confidently use sign language to communicate.
- Staff guide children to explore and understand their emotions. Children new to the setting are well supported to be comfortable and happy, and develop confidence in their new surroundings. Children know their opinions matter.
- Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve good outcomes. Parents of children with SEND comment that their children are happy and confident to attend the playgroup, and that they make good progress in their social and communication skills. Staff guide children to explore and understand their emotions.